The BLue Hawk Marching band

of Somersworth & South Berwick

Student Leadership Audition Information to Come Soon!

Communication - Band App

We use the band app for communication during the season.  If you wish to check it out to create an account and download the app please go here:

Information about our General Schedule

-The band plays at all home football games including home playoff games

-We compete on Saturdays starting mid-September through the end of October

-Our weekly rehearsals are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30-8:00

-We also rehearse before football games and competitions

-We have a week of band camp at the end of August

-We perform at the Eliot Festival Day Parade, the South Berwick Holiday Parade, Portsmouth Holiday Parade, Somersworth/Berwick Holiday Parade, and the Somersworth Memorial Parade

Example Schedule - 2023-2024 Season

Parent thoughts

"Marching band helped both of my children feel a greater sense of belonging in the school community"

"My eighth grader is totally at ease with his transition to the high school, thanks to his year in Marching Band"

"She has learned the value of commitment and the responsibilities that go along with committing to something"

"Marching band has given my children confidence in themselves. It has given them lifetime friendships. A love for music. A pride in their accomplishments. It has given them goals to set. It has given them discipline. They have learned teamwork and how to encourage others. It has given them a pride of belonging and not being judged."

"Marching Band is a great way for kids to make friends and great connections. My son LOVES Marching Band because not only does he get to play his instrument, hang with friends, be encouraged by caring adult mentors, but he also loves the marching!!! He’s had great student leaders too! They have reiterated and helped him learn the things mom and dad have taught him; like the importance of being on time, commitment, hard work and being prepared. He gets to do all of this while having fun! It’s a commitment for moms and dads too. But those drives to the school are a great time of chatting it up with your child and drawing close to them; learning about their world. Our family loves Marching Band!!!"

"The band is like a little family. The students are great kids. They support, encourage, accept and appreciate each other. The parents are a wonderful group of people, very friendly and welcoming.

For my daughter, being a member of the band before 9th grade has made for a smooth transition to the high school. Seeing the familiar faces of Mr. Graichen and the high school band students was welcoming and put her at ease."

"Marching band gave my child a place to belong in high school. It was his happy place, his safe place. He felt seen and understood in his band family. The positive effect it has had on him for the last five years can not be measured. Yes, it's a commitment. But it's a commitment worth every minute."

Previous themes

2023 - Phantom of the Opera

2022 - Jekyll & Hyde

2021 - Les Misérables

2019 - The Game

2018 - The Greatest Show

2017 - Beautiful Dreamer

additional Marching band staff




Color Guard


Assistant Director


Front Ensemble